There are certain topics that always pop up during the yearly audit. After the High-Level Structure (HLS) has been introduced, these topics start to align among certain standards, making it a lot more consistent. Also, this…
With the rise of specialized online platforms, more and more IT solutions are neatly integrated to become even more efficient. Trying to do everything in your ERP system isn’t working anymore hence the need for these…
Digitalization has been the buzzword over the last decades. Companies started to digitalize their processes the moment computers were invented. Obviously, this was done a bit differently back in the ‘80s than today, but companies have…
With the introduction of cloud and SaaS, in particular, more and more companies are moving away from the traditional ERP solutions that claim to be able to do everything. With this movement, aligning the different cloud…
QHSE management inherently comes with numerous procedures, forms, documents, spreadsheets, and the like. Yes, the new approach by ISO allows for a significant reduction of the procedures and documents, but still, the organization needs to somehow…
You all already know it, but being a Quality or QHSE manager, or any other name it is called, is hard work but a great job. You are in the middle of a lot of things…
We all know the importance of quality management, but more often than not, we look at this from a certification perspective. Over time, ISO9001 has become the equivalent of Quality Management, but obviously, this isn’t completely…
The “safety walks” is an excellent measuring stick to see how the company is doing with its safety culture. The power of just walking around and observing how people work from a safety management point of…
The pandemic has had quite a severe impact on the way we do business nowadays. It has been quite a tough year for most people, but the pandemic also showed positive change. The fact that we…
Since the introduction of the smartphone, people aren’t able to live without it. Despite the huge impact the mobile phone has on our current life, these devices have had a limited introduction in QHSE management. Lots…
Most quality standards are pretty clear on how an organization should handle its tools and equipment. They need to be in such a condition that they are able to produce the quality the company wants to…
When you ask 100 CEOs, 90% of them will tell you that quality is among their top pillars and one of the main reasons why they are in business today. However, when you walk towards the…
There are numerous important topics in QHSE management, but the following are things you really should think about when you want to bring the QHSE to the next level. QHSE isn’t something you can do on…
In numerous posts, we touched upon how to manage suppliers and what is essential in this process. However, before you manage them, you first need to select them and have some kind of process for this.…
IT management of change is an important process in lots of organizations. It structures how an organization handles change and the impact it has. Managing these changes is key in running an effective QHSE system because…
Luckily 2020 has finally come to an end, and 2021 has begun. 2021 will probably be full of transition and change, which will be quite a year for you QHSE managers. When more and more people…
Having formal planning for safety walks, quality inspections or management walks, for that matter, is a great way of checking how things are done. The problem is in the planned part of it. Preplanning these activities…
Are you still questioning why to invest in a Quality and Safety Platform? Here are 5 Benefits a QHSE Platform Will Bring.We speak to dozens of companies on a daily basis about why to move to a…
With vaccines popping up left, right and center, we slowly see some light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. This pandemic has had a tremendous impact on lives and businesses all around the world. Despite…
Task automation for the mundane jobs has been done in financial administration for decades. Within QHSE management, most companies still leverage Excel and Word to get things done, although certain processes are automated to a certain…