QHSE is a world of sharing knowledge. Within lots of companies, the core QHSE department isn’t all that big so there are that many people you can approach to share specific QHSE-related knowledge. Because of this, most QHSE professionals are part of LinkedIn groups or go to events to meet like-minded professionals, often in your specific sector or particularly in safety or quality.
Share Knowledge Online
LinkedIn is a great platform to find and engage with QHSE professionals. There are different groups in all kinds of industries and demographics that allow you to speak in your native language and discuss regional-related topics. Besides LinkedIn, you can find numerous Facebook groups with QHSE professionals, where all types of topics are discussed. The beauty of these online groups is that you see a great deal of openness when it comes to sharing knowledge. Obviously, no sensitive information is shared but many people are willing to share various checklists and procedures. This kind of sharing helps bring everybody to a higher level which is great for the world as a whole.
Naturally, within Qooling we also strongly believe in the power of sharing. Therefore, within Qooling you can easily find all kinds of templates for you to leverage. Even when you cannot find the template, you can simply reach out to us and we will find one for you. Companies can opt-out if they don’t want to share but so far every company does, this which leads to amazing things within organizations. They can now leverage the crowd to make their QHSE management system better based on actual evidence that it worked in other organizations.
Help Each Other in QHSE
As touched upon before, most QHSE managers are either running the department on their own or are have very limited colleagues. We also therefore highly recommend you to be involved in these online groups. They enable you to see new perspectives and scout new opportunities. They also allow you to ask questions and get great feedback from highly skilled professionals. With the internet at your fingertips, you should definitely be able to bring the QHSE system of your organization to a higher level. Good luck!