Safety is more than a number of measures to prevent accidents. To build a strong safety culture, it has to come to life among all employees of the organization. Although most employers take extensive steps to protect their employees, these regulations are almost always meaningless without an overall positive safety culture within the organization. Employees must have a shared vision when it comes to safety, where also top management plays an important role. In this post we discuss six important points that contribute to a better safety culture within your organization. Safety culture in 6 steps.
1. Communication
Communicating occupational safety and health information with your employees is crucial to prevent accidents from happening. It is only human to forget crucial information or cut corners when there is no one there to check them. Apply the communication the best way suitable for your company with flyers or via digital communication boards.
2. Provide training
By regularly offering training courses, employees are always up-to-date with the latest developments. Share best practices during weekly safety meetings and provide safety information to your employees. This keeps employees sharp, so accidents can be prevented. During the training also explain why it is important to share the knowledge gained by the company thanks to employees sharing their experiences and expertise.
3. Lead by Example
Leadership is a crucial part of ensuring safety on the construction site. Employees who see their supervisor take safety at work seriously, are more likely to take the time and effort to work safety. Don’t walk on side within the proper PPE’s.
4. Involve workers
The more an employee understand and feels involved by creating a safety culture, the more likely they will take actions. Make the employees part of the improvements the company makes. Show them how they contributed to the outcomes.
5. Top management buy-in
In order for an organization to develop a strong safety culture, the safety culture must start from the top and all the way down to the least experienced employee. All employees must understand that safety is their most important priority of his or her work.
6. Celebrate success
It is important to give your employees credits when they are reaching goals. By celebrating your success, you will give your employees the feeling that they are of real value for the company. It also reinforces the motivation that employees will carry during the next performance.
Safety Culture in 6 steps