
As QHSE manager, we can get somewhat cynical over time. This is completely understandable because we are constantly looking for ways to improve processes. It is even embedded in the continuous improvement methodology. You search for processes to improve so you mainly see suboptimal things. However, we should never forget that as a Q&S Manager, we have a certain position in the company that is rather unique. We are in direct contact with every aspect of the company and help these departments to do things better. Who else in the company can say that? Besides the involvement in the departments, you have different roles which are a great variation in the day-to-day activities. This special roles require some significant skills.


As the Q&S manager, you are at the center of lots of processes. You don’t own them, you are certainly not responsible for them, and a lot of them you don’t follow yourself. However, you should know how they flow within the company. In this unique position you are connected to every aspect of the company whether it be HR, Sales, or Production. Maybe you cannot go to all locations physically due to time/distance constraints, but you do know what is going on. You are also connected to the people that perform the processes either by working on improving the process or by auditing them. Alone or as part of the team, you are the one where people go to when they want to improve their way of working.


You get involved in lots of projects within the company. Not always directly in the operations, but when something new is going to happen, you will be involved due to your focus on change and improvement. These can be simple improvement plans for better administrative tasks, but they can also be serious innovative solutions that help the company move forward. When you position yourself like this, you will be right at the innovation in the company.


The Q&S manager is a connector within the company. Within this role you are not just working along with the people, but you also need to motivate them and coach them.


You are the person that needs to bring people together to make the improvements happen,—the Connector. When everybody is informed, it is your main task to make people understand the importance and motivate them to change.


After connecting people, the Motivator is needed to drive change within the company. People don’t want to change by themselves, you have to persuade them and get them moving, which is not an easy job. Being a great motivator will help a lot in achieving this goal. Getting some lessons and best practices will help a lot.


When you are able to motivate people to change, you also need to be their Coach in achieving these changes. Motivating them is just the first step, then you move into the coaching role and make sure the people are able to put the improvement into practice. Being a coach is hard because every person has a different way of absorbing knowledge and information. Make sure you have some techniques in your toolbox to coach the people.


Being a Q&S manager is pretty awesome. It is definitely challenging and hard at times to get a budget for improvements or getting people on the same page. Never forget, you are really in the middle of the action and can have some great impact on the company. Please appreciate your role but keep fighting for the things you consider important.


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