
Every company uses MS Office. It could be start to use this for the quality management. When we speak with the companies who used this before using a quality management platform, they mentioned a couple of struggles. We have summed up these 5 main struggles when using MS Office for Quality Management.

  1. Broken links
    There are always links to the documents in your files.
    It’s just a matter of time before they break!
  2. Old version
    It is very difficult and labor intensive to make sure the latest versions are available.
  3. No rights
    Certain people are unable to access the visible documents as they do not have the correct authorization on the server. It seems that some people are just not good enough to see certain documents. They don’t have the right credentials on their server, so they’re left in the dark about what’s happening there!
  4. Double administration
    Keep track of the MS Office files as well the pdf’s files that are used by the team. It is important for everyone on the team to keep track of their own work as well as any files that are shared with them by other people.
  5. Security issues
    It is hard to prevent people from making changes to the system.


5 Struggles using MS Office for Quality Management - Qooling Quality Management Platform

5 Struggles using MS Office for Quality Management – Qooling Quality Management Platform

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