From Safety Cop To Safety Leader
None of us want to be a so-called safety cop to check on everybody with their safety precautions. It is better to be a safety leader, where we all think of each-other’s safety and health and where we can coach and mentor everyone. Let’s take a look at how you become a safety leader instead of a safety cop.
Safety & The Organization
Everyone within the organization should be responsible for their safety and safety of their colleagues. To get everyone moving to a safety culture, you must be a safety leader first. You need to have a vision of what your organization wants to achieve in terms of safety and then you need to communicate that vision to every member of your organization. Making sure everything is clear around safety and health is vital before you can become an organization with a culture of safety.
Safety Cop vs. Safety Leader
To be a safety leader, you have to act like an inspiring leader and not as a fearsome cop. It all starts with ourselves. We come across some differences between a safety cop and a safety leader in the blog by Kevin Burns. We have summarized it in a table below.
Steps For Creating a Safety Culture
Safety must be built into every aspect of an organization’s operations. Employees must have a common vision when it comes to workplace safety. Top management plays an important role in creating a safe working environment. These six important points help create a safer workplace and help you to be a better safety leader.
1. Communication
Occupational safety and health information is important for preventing workplace accidents. It is only natural for humans to forget things or cut corners when there isn’t anyone there to check them. Use the most appropriate form of communication for your business with flyers/posters or via digital communications boards.
2. Provide training
Employees who regularly attend training courses are always up-to-date with the latest developments. During regular safety meetings, share best practices for safety and provide safety information to your workers. This helps keep employees sharp, so accidents are less likely to happen. During the training, also explain why it is so important for employees to share their knowledge and experience with each other to get regular insights
3. Lead by Example
Safety is important for ensuring that workers are safe on the construction site. Leadership is one way to ensure that safety happens. If employees see their supervisors taking safety at work seriously, they’re more likely to take the extra time and effort needed to ensure workplace safety. Wear the proper personal protective equipment when working with hazardous materials.
4. Employee Buy-in
The more employees understand and feel involved in creating a safe environment, the more likely they are to take action. Get the employees involved in making the company better. Show them how their contributions helped the results come to fruition.
5. Top Management buy-in
To create a strong safety culture, a company must start by creating a safe environment at the top and then move down to the lowest level employees. All employees must understand the importance of safety at work.
6. Celebrate Success
It’s important to reward your employees for their achievements. By celebrating your success, you will give your employees a sense of pride and belonging. It also helps motivate employees by reinforcing their motivation for the next performance.