Qooling QHSEHSEQHSE Culture

The Power of Near Miss

Near miss is still seen as a big burden by many people, and companies for that matter. The general feeling is still, “Nothing actually happened, so why should we report it?” Yes, nothing happened in the…
Nick Appel
QualityQHSE Culture

Quality can sometimes feel ungrabbable

Quality can feel immeasurable sometimes. By immeasurable, we don’t mean all the KPIs we defined within our management system. We have great KPIs to measure company performance, which include things like: Customer satisfaction Production fail rates…
Nick Appel
checklistsQHSEQHSE Culture

The Art of Checklists

Over the last few years, we have helped a tremendous amount of companies move over to Qooling, either straight out of office-based Management Systems or migrating from other software solutions. During this transition, we always take…
Nick Appel

What Is HSE 4.0?

In line with Quality 4.0, there is also HSE 4.0. Maybe this speaks a little less to the imagination, but there are some fantastic examples of HSE 4.0 initiatives. However, the same as for Quality 4.0,…
Nick Appel
QHSE Culture

The word of an auditor

Over the past months, we've interviewed about a dozen Quality and Safety external auditors. We have asked them about their experience and what they have seen in the market. The auditors were so kind as to…
Nick Appel

Quality 4.0, What is It?

There have been thousands of articles written about Quality 4.0 in various contexts and for various industries. Some claim that you should gather information, make the SOP digital available and train employees via e-learning. Yes, you…
Nick Appel